Exploring female anatomy and sexuality in vivid colour palettes using recycled materials including my own hair (V and A), silk stockings (V and A, Anal), coat pockets (Fur Pocket, Rainbow), feathers and metallic scouring pads (Gang Bang).
Themes include female orgasm, brutality of the sex industry, exploitation of our insecurities, surgical procedures, body image and the fashion industry.
Traditional techniques of applique, patchwork and quilting, embellished in light reflective beads, sequins and old jewellery are combined with an exploration into fabric manipulation, creating cavities within layered and padded structure ('Gangbang') and soft sculpture ('Ecstasy', 'V and A'). The vagina is celebrated in a series of pockets which can be explored ('Fur Pocket', '16 Pockets') and the anus moulded from a silk stocking ('V and A', 'Anal').
Delight in the provocative nature of the imagery but be mindful of the wider social context; the damaging effects of promiscuity (Anal), pornography (V and A) and the sex industry (16 Pockets). Enjoy!
If you wish to purchase a Textile please contact me.
Click on images for detail.

Celebrating orgasm. Abstract expression of a woman reaching climax in a vivid colour palette of purple, pink, orange, gold and blue. A huge silk vagina floods a garden in full bloom with delicate beaded flowers on frayed strands of silk, capturing the essence of a woman's fertility. Embellished in beads and sequins. A rich tapestry of colour, texture and 3D form. Textile wall hanging 57'' h x 42'' w x 3.5'' d (inches). £8,100.

Detail of the lower structure of the 3D vagina. Created from a bright yellow and orange silk scarf, embellished with the fluff collected from frayed strands of purple silk, garnished in silver sequins. Set against a crushed gold velvet adorned in blue sequins.

Detail of 3D structure of the vagina. Outer lips are created from layers of folded silk, machine stitched in red thread, moulded by hand to stand upright, creating the inner cavity which is adorned in silver sequins and the fluff collected from strands of purple silk. A vivid colour palette of bright gold, orange, red, purple and silver.

Detail of delicate beaded flower heads (abstract flower shapes cut from a textured fabric) emitted from the vagina on strands of silk during orgasm. Colour palette of pink, purple, blue and red.

Detail of large 3D abstract flower structures within the fertility garden. Each flower head is individually created from machined petals, hand sculpted around a central flower head adorned in the fluff from strands of silk, embellished in sequins. A vivid colour palette of purple, orange, pale pinks and flesh tones. Sculptural contouring with a rich surface depth.

An abstract portrayal of the porn industry and our modern culture of Instagram. The body parts of vagina ('V') and anus ('A') are captured in detail through a lens. Created from recycled materials including my own hair and silk stockings. Embellished in sequins and beads with original poetry in silk threads. Colour palette of ivory, mushroom, blue, gold and brown. Textile wall hanging 44'' h x 32'' w x 4'' d (inches). £6,000.

Detail of the immense 3D vagina. Created from a collection of tiny silk petals, machine stitched and moulded around a single bud, which collectively creates a contoured carpet, moulded and lined with my own hair to form the 3D structure which stands proud of the flat quilted background. Colour palette of brown, mushroom and gold set against a pale blue background adorned in sequins. Created from recycled silk.

Detail of the inner lining of the vast vagina. Lined with my hair which I had collected during chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer. A very versatile and effective medium. Adorned in Indian flower beads. Note the 3D contouring within the structure.

Detail of the anus. Created from a silk stocking, moulded by hand to develop the intricate folds within the cavity, secured with a stitch. The lace top, contoured with pleats and folds, machine stitched at the outer edge, effectively embodies the orifice. Adorned in a diamante bracelet. A delicate colour palette of mushroom set against a background of bright yellow velvet.

Detail of legs spread in a pornographic pose, uniting the abstract studies of anus and vagina. Created from individual layered flower heads. Assorted silk stockings were collected to create the colour range within the skin tones with individual flower heads moulded from layers of circles, roughly cut to promote fraying and contouring at the edges, stitched to secure in a blue (vein) thread. Set against a vintage background fabric of ivory with blue flowers and yellow centres.

Abstract depiction of the anus in a glamorous colour palette of mushroom, gold, brown and pewter. Recycled materials embellished in beads, sequins and braid. The manipulation of a silk stocking effectively demonstrates the function of a sexual orifice. Textile wall hanging 33'' h x 24'' w x 3'' d (inches). £3,600.

Detail of the anus in a colour palette of mushroom and pewter. Created from a silk stocking, the lace top moulded and machined at the outer edge with folds and contouring anchored with a stitch at the centre. Beautifully sculptural. Adorned in sequins at the centre and edge in a mixed colour palette of traditional pewter (blue, brown, grey, gold and black). The leg of the stocking identifies the inner structure of a body part we identify as being purely sexual. Set against a background of silk.

Detail of the contoured pleats and folds of the lace top and nylon stocking, manipulated by hand to form the abstract interpretation of an intricate body part. Adorned in sequins. Effective in it's simplicity.

Detail of the length and toe of the silk stocking. A phallic abstract creation of a penis, moulded and adorned in sequins at the tip, with the length of the shaft naturally contoured above the surface of the quilted silk background, embellished in sequins. Colour palette of mushroom and pewter. Recycled Indian silk.

Detail of the glamorous panels surrounding the abstract anus. Created from recycled materials (crushed velvet, Indian silk, metallic nylon) in a colour palette of pale, vintage and metallic gold. A rich surface contouring is established within the variety of textures and techniques used, with a flat quilted silk, a natural depth within the nap of vintage velvet and a natural contouring casting shadow within the folds of metallic nylon.

Abstract creation depicting a 3D vagina, created from the pocket of a fur coat (manipulated and stitched to create form) with a layered surround of abstract flowers presenting the legs spread apart. Adorned in beads and sequins. A delicate colour palette of ivory, cream, mushroom, gold and brown. Textile wall hanging 52.5'' h x 41'' w x 2.5'' d (inches). £5,100.

Detail of the 3D vagina pocket surrounded by layered flower heads created from recycled wool jumpers and natural sheep's wool. Variation within the colour palette identifies abstract form with legs spread in a sexual pose. Surface contouring is established in the layered structure of each flower, anchored at the centre, creating natural depth within the folds.

Detail of layered abstract flowers created in a series of colour palettes (cream, stone and mushroom), anchored at the centre of each formation to enable natural contouring. Diversity of pattern, texture and density of materials creates a rich textural surface.

Detail of the 3D vagina, with pleats and folds of the centre sculpted and anchored with a stitch, inviting the viewer to finger the folds. The fur lips, created from the outer fur coat, were remoulded and roughly stitched, a nod to vaginal contouring which seems to be fashionable today. A colour palette of honey blonde fur against a warm skin tone of silk.

Detail of the quilted cotton background adorned in silver sequins. There is a natural rhythm established in the application of hand stitching, capturing the essence of time.

Abstract depiction of a vagina inspired by Lil Kim's 'Pussy spread like the rainbow', with simple layered applique panels of colour adorned in light reflective beads and sequins. Iridescent sequins change colour as light passes over the surface. Textile wall hanging 52'' h x 40'' w x 3'' d (inches). £8,100.

Detail of the upper section of the vagina adorned in red plastic beads and large iridescent flower heads, changing colour as light travels across the surface. Set against a golden panel adorned in pink and green beads and light reflective sequins. A surface encrusted with embellishment and light.

Detail of the lower section of the vagina, adorned in red plastic beads and iridescent flower heads. Set against a panel of gold, adorned in pink and green beads and sequins, with an outer panel of pink embellished in assorted pink beads and sequins, establishing a uniform pattern within the structure. Surface is a rainbow of colour, texture and light.

Detail of the 3D vagina (right section) with the outer velvet lips adorned in child like iridescent flower heads which change colour as light passes across the surface, with tiny red plastic beads providing a contouring of pattern and depth. The vagina was created from a coat pocket, natural folds set by adding a layer of organza. An abstract interpretation of virginity. Celebrating the beauty of youth and natural form. Golden background panel adorned in pink and green sequins.

Detail of the bottom section of Rainbow with panels encrusted with light reflective sequins and beads. A natural contouring is established within the changing colour palette. Iridescent sequin flowers change colour from reds to greens to blues to golds as light passes over the surface. Depth is achieved in the red plastic beads, pink glass beads and small abstract flower beads adorning the surface.

Abstract creation of a large 3D vagina with a surround of sexually provocative sculpted lilies. Recycled materials include metallic scouring pads, feathers and stockings. Padded structure with a central patterned panel embellished in jet beads capturing the essence of a fertile woman. Commentary on a woman's independence and her ability to change partners within her lifetime. Textile wall hanging 36'' h x 28'' w x 5'' d (inches). £6,000.

Detail of the large sculpted 3D vagina, with contoured pleats and folds. The flat patterned inner panel, adorned in jet beads, evokes an abstract vision of the fertility system, in a vivid colour palette of yellow, pink, red, brown and black. Created from the same recycled fabric I used in 'Three Ages of Woman', donated from my Mother.

Detail of a phallic sculpted lily, beautifully contoured, having been machine stitched and carefully turned out to create an erect penis, anchored within the folds of the leaves, nestled in a black feather boa. Erotic colour palette of red, black and silver. Created from recycled materials including silk, satin, felt, sparkly metallic tights and feathers.

Detail of background surrounding the large 3D vagina. Metallic scouring pads were used to contour the pubic area, creating light, texture and density. The freely mobile feather boa (anchored with a stitch) contrasts beautifully against the wiry structure of the immobile metal. Sexy colour palette of silver, red and black.

Detail of phallic lily structures surrounding the large 3D vagina. Created from recycled materials including felt, satin and silk dresses and metallic tights. Structures were machine stitched with three layers and carefully turned out to produce a naturally sculpted phallic penis with 3D leaves as testicles, nestled in a black feather boa. The luxurious fabrics create an indulgent sensual experience for the viewer. Beautifully contoured with a rich surface texture and depth.

Abstract textile created from a padded patchwork of sixteen 3D vagina's, beautifully and individually sculpted, set against a background embellished in sequins. Commentary on the sex industry, slavery, the age of consent, glamorising an industry which reduces women and girls to their sexual parts. Hot colour palette of red, pink, purple, blue and silver. Textile wall hanging 41'' h x 37'' w x 3'' d (inches) £8,100.

Detail of a simple pale pink vagina, the inner lips sculpted from a furry cushion, providing texture and depth, with an outer sculpted felt panel adorned in pale pink sequins. The natural contouring of the cavity invites the viewer to explore. Represents youth, purity and sexual inexperience.

Detail of a 3D vagina created from a recycled cardigan, with natural pattern and texture embellishing the beautifully contoured folds. Set against a bright red background adorned in navy blue sequins.

Detail of a dark red 3D vagina set against a bright red nylon fur background adorned in pink sequins. The cheap manufactured textures are symbolic of poverty and desperation.

Detail of a beautifully contoured purple silk 3D vagina set against a purple velvet background adorned in navy blue sequins. The dark colour palette expresses the dangers of the sex industry.